Saturday, 31 August 2013

My FIRST ever International Conference

sounds cool right? No~~~!!!!! It's not, it's super nerve wreaking !

yesterday 30.08.2013 my presentation was suppose to be at 12pm Helsinki time, yea Helsinki time so that means , my international Conference it's just a video conference

but anyway like what i said yesterday in the conference, i would like to thank Fred Dervin for giving me tis opportunity to share my research with everyone present that day.

ok so preparation, had another mock presentation, everything was ok smooth, then my turn to present, i wasnt that nervous anymore, because for one thing, they can only hear us from Helsinki, so that means, they cannot see us~ a super BIG huuray for me, as i can look at my handnotes and actually just read from my notes~ i consider this as cheating

yea i actually cheated my way through this presentation~ because it shouldn't be this way, we should be standing infront of god knows how many profesionals and presenting, not reading from our own hand notes,

for this i consider myself pretty lucky~ first international conference ended like this was a good thing for me, besides i didnt' have to pay like the other presenters wuuhuu again

ok~ the scariest part was the QnA session~ it was super duper freaking nerve wreaking, my questions came and my brain blanked out, oh yea my brain bailed on me ~ i think my answers were crap~ and i think i humiliated myself infront of those profesionals~ damn,

but nevertheless, it was a great experience for me.....

not forgeting 31.08.13 it's national day today, Happy Independence Day Malaysia, my resolution for this year's Independence Day~  hope all the racist get this brain fixed ASAP

Thursday, 29 August 2013

before i forget,快点记下来,我昨天梦到去当了春春的助理,记得不是很清楚。。。。只记得春春忘了拿护照然后我去帮她拿。。。。然后不懂做么,春春就在拍照,那种时尚的,我就在旁边看,然后我不懂怎样有跑去厕所看哪里有很多桶的鱼,有些还死了(淹死的鱼吗???)lol,然后春春也在我旁边跟我一起看。。。。够sampat的梦吧~我自己都无言~~

是不是因为压力大?明天有helsinki的presentation~ 呵呵,不管怎样希望明天顺顺利利fighting!!!!

Monday, 26 August 2013

玉米节快乐~~ 从2006到现在,爱你没有停过一秒钟,对你爱不完~呵呵



我不能现在中国,或北京的玉米常常看到你,我不能像拿下有钱的玉米跟随着你,我不能像那些年年都飘洋过海去看你Why Me 演唱会的玉米,很多的不能,能做的就是在这遥远的城市静默相守~默默的爱着你~永远~永远~你永远是我偶像,我永远是玉米!
