today was meant to be a meet up session with friends, it ended up being a meet up session with lecturers instead, which i was seeing almost everyweek previously XD
ok then, waited for the not so puntual bus for almost an hour, gave up and took the taxi, guess what~ guess what, my oh my how unlucky can i get, i saw the bus i was waiting for on the opposite road, freaking pissed off.
fine, so wasted money for taixi, fine, fine, at least i will reach earlier at the train station right, but what's the damn point? since i also had to wait more than 30 minutes for the train, and there is no other choice but to wait, it's not like i could hire a train right ? lol
fine so while walking over, i saw a young chinese man holding an old malay man with a urine drainage bag hanging infront of him, in my heart i was thinking is this the new kind of scam, using old people, then i was TOTALLY wrong, while walking pass them , which i did super fast, i heard the man asking him, "pakcik dulu kerja apa?" that's the only thing i heard, so this means that they didn't know eat other, this man was only helping him over the bridge, the true 1 malaysia spirit, and not the show off that we usually see 'they' portray, it really does exist, i believe there is still the kindness and "unity-ness"in every malaysian's heart. and 'they' are toying with it tearing them apart.
few minutes later, the young man was at the same waiting station that i was at, so i am pretty sure he's helping . no doubt.
and that's that, then i saw a foreigner, looking suspicious, with a pouch hanging on his shoulder, so i started observing him..... true enough, he was looking at people from waist down, yeap..... i think he's a pickpocket, my friend once told me they will target their prey by looking at their pockets, finding for the easy target, of course i didn't want it to be me, so i quickly kept me phone inside my bag, not long after the train came, and i saw he walked towards the end, i hope my judgement towards his is wrong though... and even if i am right, i hope nobody's personal belonging is picked.
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