Monday, 30 December 2013

A beginning of a long long journey

all my bags are packed~ and i'll be leaving soon~ aaaaa~~~~for 6months~ i'll be gone for 6 months~ to La Rochelle, France. A new chapter begins~!

Monday, 11 November 2013

MTV EMA Worldwide Act Winner

OH yea baby~!! My idol won~!!!! It was worth every minute spent voting for her~!!! Although there are lots of Haters, well i don't blame them for that, losers are always sour~ but i do have a opinion or two about their attitude, there are, most of them are such immature sore losers, they splur hate speeches on other winners when who ever they support doesn't get the price they want them too~

come on, grow up~ ! even if the one you support didn't win, you shouldn't in fact you should NEVER attack others~ i guess most of them are teenagers, that's why. On the other hand, i am proud how Chris's fans handled all the hate speeches. they do not counter attack with hate speeches but instead reply with reasons and politely.

AM SO PROUD OF MY IDOL~!! YOU DESERVE IT~ 9 years of hard word


Saturday, 9 November 2013


9月到11月Ema 投票终于结束了,虽然第一轮我是真的没那么积极的投票,就偶尔投一下票。

2005年的投票我没参与,但是这国际的Worldwide Act 我敢说我参与了,问心无愧!

春春现在已经到Amsterdam了啦,希望玩的开心,还有拿个奖回来! 春春爱你!希望有天能和你见面!!!!

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Song of the day~ Make it better again

Oh those, gray days of Winter
Used to build a fire
I hold you in my arms
Cover you in my desires
We plan the future
Talk of summer days
Go down to the boardwalk
Just to hear the waves
What good is my dream
No one here to share it
What good is my heart
Just be there
What good is my life
Now without you in it
Make it better again
Let"s get together again
Let"s get together again
I kept your picture
(I) see if all the time
Crazy laughing echoes in my mind
I kept remember
What we were fighting for
How I long to see you walking in my door
What good is my dream
No one here to share it
What good is my heart
Just be there
What good is my life
Now without you in it
Make it better again
Let"s get together again
Let"s get together again
Can"t you Feel what I feel
You are...ooohhhh baby, baby
What good is my dream
No one here to share it
What good is my heart
Just be there
What good is my life
Now without you in it
Make it better again hmmm
Let"s get together again
Let"s get together again, hmmm
Let"s get together again...

Thursday, 5 September 2013

today was meant to be a meet up session with friends, it ended up being a meet up session with lecturers instead, which i was seeing almost everyweek previously XD

ok then, waited for the not so puntual bus for almost an hour, gave up and took the taxi, guess what~ guess what, my oh my how unlucky can i get, i saw the bus i was waiting for on the opposite road, freaking pissed off.

fine, so wasted money for taixi, fine, fine, at least i will reach earlier at the train station right, but what's the damn point? since i also had to wait more than 30 minutes for the train, and there is no other choice but to wait, it's not like i could hire a train right ? lol

fine so while walking over, i saw a young chinese man holding an old malay man with a urine drainage bag hanging infront of him, in my heart i was thinking is this the new kind of scam, using old people, then i was TOTALLY wrong, while walking pass them , which i did super fast, i heard the man asking him, "pakcik dulu kerja apa?" that's the only thing i heard, so this means that they didn't know eat other, this man was only helping him over the bridge, the true 1 malaysia spirit, and not the show off that we usually see 'they' portray, it really does exist, i believe there is still the kindness and "unity-ness"in every malaysian's heart. and 'they' are toying with it tearing them apart.
few minutes later, the young man was at the same waiting station that i was at, so i am pretty sure he's helping . no doubt.

and that's that, then i saw a foreigner, looking suspicious, with a pouch hanging on his shoulder, so i started observing him..... true enough, he was looking at people from waist down, yeap..... i think he's a pickpocket, my friend once told me they will target their prey by looking at their pockets, finding for the easy target, of course i didn't want it to be me, so i quickly kept me phone inside my bag, not long after the train came, and i saw he walked towards the end, i hope my judgement towards his is wrong though... and even if i am right, i hope nobody's personal belonging is picked.

Saturday, 31 August 2013

My FIRST ever International Conference

sounds cool right? No~~~!!!!! It's not, it's super nerve wreaking !

yesterday 30.08.2013 my presentation was suppose to be at 12pm Helsinki time, yea Helsinki time so that means , my international Conference it's just a video conference

but anyway like what i said yesterday in the conference, i would like to thank Fred Dervin for giving me tis opportunity to share my research with everyone present that day.

ok so preparation, had another mock presentation, everything was ok smooth, then my turn to present, i wasnt that nervous anymore, because for one thing, they can only hear us from Helsinki, so that means, they cannot see us~ a super BIG huuray for me, as i can look at my handnotes and actually just read from my notes~ i consider this as cheating

yea i actually cheated my way through this presentation~ because it shouldn't be this way, we should be standing infront of god knows how many profesionals and presenting, not reading from our own hand notes,

for this i consider myself pretty lucky~ first international conference ended like this was a good thing for me, besides i didnt' have to pay like the other presenters wuuhuu again

ok~ the scariest part was the QnA session~ it was super duper freaking nerve wreaking, my questions came and my brain blanked out, oh yea my brain bailed on me ~ i think my answers were crap~ and i think i humiliated myself infront of those profesionals~ damn,

but nevertheless, it was a great experience for me.....

not forgeting 31.08.13 it's national day today, Happy Independence Day Malaysia, my resolution for this year's Independence Day~  hope all the racist get this brain fixed ASAP

Thursday, 29 August 2013

before i forget,快点记下来,我昨天梦到去当了春春的助理,记得不是很清楚。。。。只记得春春忘了拿护照然后我去帮她拿。。。。然后不懂做么,春春就在拍照,那种时尚的,我就在旁边看,然后我不懂怎样有跑去厕所看哪里有很多桶的鱼,有些还死了(淹死的鱼吗???)lol,然后春春也在我旁边跟我一起看。。。。够sampat的梦吧~我自己都无言~~

是不是因为压力大?明天有helsinki的presentation~ 呵呵,不管怎样希望明天顺顺利利fighting!!!!

Monday, 26 August 2013

玉米节快乐~~ 从2006到现在,爱你没有停过一秒钟,对你爱不完~呵呵



我不能现在中国,或北京的玉米常常看到你,我不能像拿下有钱的玉米跟随着你,我不能像那些年年都飘洋过海去看你Why Me 演唱会的玉米,很多的不能,能做的就是在这遥远的城市静默相守~默默的爱着你~永远~永远~你永远是我偶像,我永远是玉米!


Sunday, 28 April 2013

原来,春春在榜中棒、发生不愉快的事就是有白痴说了(春X欢迎你)。那位是脑残的吗?一定是!!!!! ma的!我看了都火大啊!! 工作人员就发火要求道歉不然就不让春儿接受访问,最后还是道歉了~ 幸好春春没有因为这个心情受影响,还是很高兴!她是当晚的大赢家啊!!!李宇春一举斩获内地“最佳女歌手”、“最佳专辑”及“年度影视金曲(刀锋偏冷)”三项大奖,成为昨晚盛典实至名归的最大赢家 哈哈很棒吧!

然后再MR的颁奖典礼,她再次成为大赢家,李宇春第五次摘得内地“年度最受欢迎女歌手”大奖并获封“年度全能艺人”。此外,由李宇春一手包办词曲创作的《再不疯狂我们就老了》获得内地“年度最佳作词”“年度金曲”奖,再一次恭喜春春! 颁奖典礼上,春春还一直在卖萌!真的是特萌的!太爱她了!!




Saturday, 23 March 2013

have been reading a lots of stories about successful people online, how they became successful , their road to success, the hardship they went through, their life story ...etc...etc...

sometime i really wonder, what my future holds, i am not young anymore, a lot of my friends my age are already working, some earning big bucks and me, i cannot even see my own future, it seems bleak, the more i think about it, the more afraid i am about it, that's why sometimes i choose to avoid thinking about this stuffs, it make me feel better, sort of cheating myself.................

what my future holds....? can anyone gimme an answer?

Wednesday, 20 March 2013


今天我唱了5个小时的K, 只能说好爽好爽!哈哈,还吃了很多好料!哇~真的超划算的!!!

还有,今天就两个人唱,所以我就大胆一点,点了很多首春春的歌来唱,爽死了!!哈哈真的爽!我很少和朋友出去点春春这么多首歌的,最多也只点了WHY ME,和 《对不起》。但是,今天点了超多首。。。。。我看看有:
08Why Me 西厢
08 Why Me 说你爱我吧
Ku La La
 08Why Me 西厢 +三笑+华容瘦

Monday, 18 March 2013

Happy Birthday (in advance) My Friend :)

Today, an outing with my friends~ Argh~!!!! Finally, haven seen and meet up in a long long time~! Am glad we all took the effort to meet!

Start leaving bout 12pm and we reached Mid at about 1pm, then straight went to Alexis for our luxurious lunch~! XD
then of course, order time, and we ended up with these delicious foods~!

Chicken Escalope RM34

Seafood Spaghetti RM42

Fish and Chip RM34


after eating, we talked nonsense and crap ....... blah blah blah blah..... then we went to the dessert counter to choose cakes ... yup cakes ~! extra yummy cakes.

And also to celebrate my friends birthday 2 days in advance.

Blueberry Cheese cake RM13

Tiramisu RM16

Mixed fruit Pavlova RM16
So this is the famous Pavlova, recommended to try went one comes here
personal opinion, not like what i expected it to be, maybe i had too much hope in the taste,but still not bad...


The Birthday gal.

Make a wish

Look at the bill~! Woots~! Shooking amount for me , but it's all worth it, i got to spend time with my friends and have fun with them. That's all that matters to me anyway.
Was happy we got to meet up and enjoyed myself a lot....haven felt like this for a long time~ and am super glad !




Monday, 11 March 2013





到她的房时,看到她房门前有亮亮的LYC,然后有个助理不懂几时出现把大衣和手机接过,我就和春春说了晚安! 她呢就用了很萌很萌的语气说:“嗯,晚安 ”。然后我就进电梯了,然后发现我没把我妹带上,然后,没有然后。。。。我醒了。。。



Sunday, 10 March 2013

310 我爱你


已经有点记不住,好像是春春在为巡演彩排,我也做在很靠近她的地方能听见她和其他舞蹈员说活,说什么我已经忘了,穿的是那巡演的第一套。。。。然后我和我旁边的说,春春说了很多话有没有?然后。。。。。然后。。。。。就没有然后了。。。。呜呜呜呜 T.T

不管怎样,葱儿,你傻到家,我爱到瞎!永远爱你! 生日快乐!愿一辈子快乐!

Friday, 8 March 2013


你值得拥有! <3<3

Thursday, 7 March 2013


今天,3月7日 春春只想对你说你傻到家,我爱到瞎。

《  皇后与梦想 》
《来跳舞吧》 和 《舞》


Wednesday, 6 March 2013


3月6日 ,还有4天就是春春年的生日了,今天决定分享春春和夏奶奶的小故事(转的)。

李宇春的粉丝不分年龄、不分职业,来自上海的74岁的夏奶奶,是很有名的“玉米”,通过电视真人秀平台,夏奶奶还和李宇春同台演唱过《我的心理只 有你没有他》,

夏奶奶说过“一看到宇春我就深深地被她吸引住了,我从来也没看到过象她这样的演唱方式,她在台上真诚的唱歌,刚中有柔,柔中有刚,简直是光芒四射。” 夏奶奶到哪里都抑制不住对李宇春的喜爱。

捧出一堆有宇春报道的杂志、报刊,桌上摆放着总决赛后夏奶奶到宇春房里与宇春说话的像册,动情地说起“从没追过星,年轻时没有那个条件,也没有值得追的 人,宇春,我一看见她就喜欢,就是喜欢她,脑子里总是她,总是她,其他的什么事都记不得,就想她,就喜欢舞台上好看的她,她就是一个小女孩子,女孩子,特 别贴心,为了看她,总决赛后我一直等到凌晨3点,她对我说,外婆,你坐你坐,她马上要到上海开演唱会,我要邀请她到我家里来,我要烧几样上海菜给她吃,我 要烧红烧肉给她


奶奶说 我的春春~我的宝贝~你辛苦啦
春春说 奶奶你怎么又跑到这里来了(带着心疼的责备~)
奶奶说 我高兴啊
奶奶把红烧肉递给了春春 赶快回去休息吧
很快 春春又不得不马上离开了

这是夏奶奶在2011年武汉WHY ME和春春的合照

2012年5月26日 夏奶奶出席了冰舞上海 Art on Ice


想和会玲手牵手去看李宇春: 在 巡演上海站的现场,夏奶奶对春春说:“七年了,我头发变白了,但对音乐的支持和爱你的心一直没变”,这句话触动了我的泪点。从05年亲手送粽子到12年坐 着轮椅去看冰舞上海,再到这次来看巡演,这里面有着怎样的一份情意,恐怕只有我们知道。看着如今头发全白的夏奶奶,真心疼,希望夏奶奶身体健康。

在2012 上海疯狂巡演上






Tuesday, 5 March 2013





